There are several ways to enter this site. You can go to the Surname Index and click on a name of interest. You could also go to a Chart and click on a person of interest. In either case, a link will take you to a Person Page. On the Person Page is a narrative of everything the compiler has learned about the individual. There will also be links on the Person Page to this individual's parents and children; just click on the underlined name to read about them. The person page also contains a little chart in a brown box immediately under the name of the person. By clicking on that brown box, you will see the person's parents, grandparents, siblings and children. If there is a camera icon, click to see the photograph.

A red pin in a box after a location will take you to a map showing the mentioned place. A superscript number at the end of the sentence is a link to the source for that information found at the bottom of the page.

These family histories can be quite dull if they contain only names and dates. I am hoping the readers of this site will not only send me corrections but also photographs of the person, farm, house and/or town of their ancestor. Anecdotes and any information to help flesh out these people would be greatly appreciated. You can contact me via e-mail by clicking my underlined name at the bottom of this page.